Thursday, 25 July 2013

Ollie's Graduation

Driving up to Durham was daunting. I don't know what it is but when I see that sign "THE NORTH" I quiver in my boots and watch the dark clouds loom overhead. As a proper country southern girl I felt like a hobbit leaving the shire. However, often The North beckons us to leave, as it did for my older brother, Ollie's graduation. 

After queuing to get into the cathedral and finding our seats we were eventually shushed. Men and women wearing tremendously ornate robes and gowns with all sorts of tassels hanging off and badges stuck on walked down the aisle, wisdom chiselled into their  stern faces and furrowed brows. Turns out they are some seriously esteemed academics, wearing some seriously funky hats. After a surprisingly short ceremony (with not too much clapping, fortunately) we were ushered out to reception drinks and photo-taking.

We all got a little bit too excited...
Anyway, we sifted our way through the nattering crowds of students introducing friends to parents who will probably never meet again into a marquee tent to take the infamous graduate-holding-degree-paper-tube-and-hat which actually is so far from the truth.
The "degree paper scroll" is in fact a cardboard tube whilst nobody wears the hat anyway... pfft ridiculous.
Anyway, not-camera shy Ollie couldn't resist. Countless creepy smiles later and we've finally got the shot.

We took a (quite a) few fam photos of our own before Ollie, his friends and I hit Durham town, including the worst nightclub in Europe, Klute. I personally thought it was a hoot.
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